Institute for Research on European Agricultural Landscapes e.V. (EUCALAND)
EUCALAND is the acronym of "European Culture expressed in Agricultural Landscapes". EUCALAND is a non profit association under German law. We are an expert network that deals with the cultural and agricultural landscapes of Europe for promoting their consideration and use among their people for preserving their cultural heritage.
15th EUCALAND working meeting 28th to 30th April in Gödöllö. Topic: Fishpond landscapes. More information to come soon.
Obituary Pierre-François TOULZE (48)
In mid-Februar, at the age of forty-eight, our highly appreciated member and friend PF passed away after a serious illness. We will always remember him as a good friend, a highly reliable, intelligent colleague and a human being in the best way of the word.
Successfully accomplished: Transfarm
The project was awarded. The trainingsmaterial will be included in FAO database for farmers and rural entrepreneurs.
Check out the multilingual trainingmaterial, glossary, films, case studies, factsheets and spread the news.
Obituary Lucija Ažman Momirski (1961-2024)
In mid-October, at the age of sixty-three, after a serious illness, our highly appreciated member Lucija suddenly and much too early, died. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lucija Ažman Momirski was architect and spatial planner, teacher at the Faculty of Architecture and member of ZAPS since 1988.
She was active mainly in the field of spatial planning and at the peak of her creativity. EUCALAND members will especially keep her in memory due to her tireless engangement on terraced landscapes. She has been Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Terraced Landscapes and a member of international editorial boards of scientific journals. We will not forget her. RIP
You find information about her here, here and at research gate.
After a long, serious illness, our esteemed colleague and long-time President Hans Renes died. With him we are losing a friendly friend and colleague and science is losing one of the most important cultural landscape researchers in Europe.
Unfortunately, we have to announce another death. We will be also missing Stanislav (Standa) Martinat, a brilliant young scientist from Czechia, who was recently empoyed at the James Hutton Institute in Scotland. Those of us, having participated in our COST-RELY Action, will for sure remember his kind character, bringing forward discussions and tasks in a cooperative and constructive manner. Our whishes are with his family. Some colleagues, first of all, Bohumil Frantal, have dedicated an article towards Standas life and work, which you'll find here.
Network News
- Public General Members' Assembly: 13th Feb 2024, 1-3pm, online. Link: Please contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Latest publication: Kruse,A., Špulerova, J., Centeri, C., Eiter, S., Ferrario, V., Jurgens, S., Kladnik, D., Kučera, Z., Marusca, T., Neculai, D., Renes, H., Sickel, H., Sigura, M., Slámová, M., Stensgaard, K. and P. Strasser (2023): Country Perspectives on Hay-Making Landscapes as Part of the European Agricultural Heritage. Land 2023, 12, 1694.
- Enclosed Landscapes as part of the European Agricultural Heritage. Society for Landscape Studies Supplementary Series 3, ISBN 978 0 09 539712 4
- EUCALAND has started a cooperation with FAO-GIAHS for research cooperation, networking, information and exchange. More news to come soon.
- EUCALAND has signed MoU with IFLA-Europe for research cooperation, networking, information and exchange. More news to come soon
Last meetings
- 2023 Firescapes, Cyprus, Summary, Impressions. Thanks to Timmi Tillmann
- 2023 Reclamation Landscapes, online, Summary. Thanks to Jana Spulerova
All board meetings are public. Minutes, also from former working meetings, are available at the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
last update: 20 December 2024