
Starting Point

During a working meeting at UNESCO, Paris, in September 2005 all participants were convinced that in Europe there is a big gap in the knowledge, research and especially consideration of agricultural landscapes. Therefore the idea of establishing a group that deals with European Agricultural Landscapes came up, considering however not only the so-called “Cultural Landscape”, which is more often the picturesque but also the productive landscape.


Indeed, most of the expertises deal with very famous, well-known or pitoresque cultural sites, some with endangered nature or cultural sites. But what about the largest part of the used land: the agricultural landscapes? They influence our daily life, not only through their production, but also as basis for the peoples’ identity and history.

EUCALAND as Member

  • EUCALAND is founding member of "Deutsches Forum Kulturlandschaft" (German Forum Cultural Landscape) a German forum to support the ELC.
  • EUCALAND was among the founding members of CIVILSCAPE, an organisation in order to support the European Landscape Convention (ELC) on European level. EUCALAND left the organisation in 2011.

EUCALAND activities:

interactive map test s