
MembershipFoto von Csaba Zypern

The members of EUCALAND will have benefits from the partipation in this unique European expert network. Among others:

  • Unique European network on Agricultural Landscapes within a framework of international universities, organisations and practitioners
  • Connection to people in European institutions and governments for information, research and common projects
  • Possibilities of exchange between scientists, technicians and policy-makers
  • Large variety of the data of the different countries
  • Large number of members contacts
  • Downloads of network publications and articles
  • Download of network presentations and research
  • Downloads of minutes, material, Board- and Network news
  • Data on conferences, calls and key issues concerning the EUCALAND topic
  • Secretariat coordination and management of existing projects and initiatives
  • Participation in project applications within European research programs
  • Participation in meetings, workshops, conferences and courses of the EUCALAND

To become member, just complete the membership form and send it to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Members' General Assembly in 2012 has decided to set up member fees:
  • 30 € for invidual members, mainly reserved for students and people with small income
  • 100 € for institutional members.

EUCALAND is always looking for funds and funders in order to finance especially project meetings.

Please note, that EUCALAND is not responsible for the content of the linked homepage. The responsibility remains always in the hands of the local web-administration.
